

以往的作品慣以快照的直觀視角捕捉私人生活的跳躍片段,並探討個人情感如何回應不同的時間設定。從觀看層面講,此類親近日常的拍攝方式映現出的模糊、閃爍畫面是對人眼瞥視經驗的模仿。那些看似“索然無味”的現實幻影代表著經驗範疇內出乎意料的偶發事件,其審美快感來自於攝影師為觀眾設置的特定心理距離。我的目標是制作將觀眾吸引到現在的照片。 對細節的關註使我們保持現狀,它阻止我們對未來感到煩惱或對過去感到後悔。

近期的作品關註人造環境,記錄它們脫離生產後作為事件背景被重新安置的場景。通過這些拍攝,提出身份不僅僅是找到我們來自哪裡; 且是定位我們的落腳點以及我們如何適應它的過程。

2003-2006      臺灣逢甲大學水利工程學系
2012               紐約ICP MFA


2024              『砂河2022』“鯤鯓凝望” 台南市美術館,台灣
2022              『砂河2022』台南大地藝術季“曾文溪的一千個名字”,台灣
2021              『瘋狂的鑽石』全國美展 ,台灣
2019              『你後面』abc藝術書展,藝倉美術館,上海
2019              『雌雄同株』京都國際攝影節,日本
2019              『斯德哥爾摩綜合症』永春堂美術館,台灣
2017                廈門歐洲藝術中心藝術家駐地計畫
2016              『斯德哥爾摩綜合症』Photobook Week of Aarhus,丹麥
2016              『台灣製造』洛杉磯藝術書展
2016              『斯德哥爾摩綜合症』abc藝術書展,二十一世紀民生美術館,上海
2015              『家族遺產』 Young Art Taipei 藝術博覽會專家見面會入選
2015              『家族遺產』第三屆新加坡攝影書節參展
2015              『台灣製造』谷倉當代影像館:影與紙的奇遇,中國當代攝影書展
2015              『家族遺產』新加坡夜間影像節
2015              『家族遺產』攝影書,假雜誌出版社展出,上海藝術影像展
2015              『台灣製造』 紐約藝術書展,假雜誌出版社展出
2015              『台灣製造』 攝影之聲 第16期,Bookmark單元介紹
2015              『台灣製造』 連州國際攝影節
2015              『斯德哥爾摩綜合症』連州國際攝影節,穀倉攝影書徵集
2015                北京紅門畫廊第二屆Crystal Ruth Bell藝術家駐地計畫
2014                我們,金快門攝影節,中國無錫聯展
2014              『有效期限』北京設計周 - 紙語人生邀請展,中國北京
2014              『有效期限』手工攝影書,紐約視覺藝術學院圖書館藏
2013                切片,平遙國際攝影節,中國平遙聯展
2013                江南X現象,中國無錫聯展
2012              『未決』,臺北個展
2012                ICP攝影作品集

Born in 1984 in Taipei, Taiwan. Freelance photographer, Currently based in Taipei, Taiwan.

Most of my previous works are direct snapshots into the flashes of private life, which enables me to explore how personal emotion responds to the changes of time. The blurred and sparkling image mimicking the experience of a quick glance,My goal is to make photographs that draw viewers into the now. A focus on details keeps us in the present, it stops us from fretting on the future or regretting the past.

My recent work focuses on man-made landscape, capturing the relocation of the artificial environment as an ongoing background. Perhaps the meaning of identity is something more than an origin, it can also be the progress of locating ourselves and, adapting to the processes accordingly.

2003-2006      Hydraulic Engineering, Fengchia University, Taiwan
2012               MFA in International Center Of Photography ,NYC.


2024               “Zant River 2022” group exhibition “Khun-sin · Siòng” Tainan Art Museum, Taiwan
2022               “Zant River 2022” MATTAUW - One Thousand Names of Zeng-wen River, Taiwan
2021               "Shine On You Crazy Diamond" National Art Exhibition, Taiwan
2019               "I Got Your Back"  abc art book fair, Modern Art Museum, Shanghai
2019               "Monoecism"  kyotographie, Japan
2019               "Stockholm Syndrome"  EverSpring Museum of Fine Art, Taiwan
2017                Artist residencies, CEAC, Xiamen.
2016               "Stockholm Syndrome"  Photobook Week of Aarhus, Denmark
2016               "Made in Taiwan"  LA art book fair
2016               "Stockholm Syndrome"  abc art book fair, 21st Century Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai
2015               "Family Legacy" Young Art Taipei portfolio review.
2015               "Family Legacy"  THEBOOKSHOW 3rd Edition, Singapore.
2015               "Made in Taiwan" Gucang Contemporary Photo Gallery:Contemporary Chinese Photobook
2015               "Family Legacy"  The Singapore Night Festival
2015               "Family Legacy"  Photobook with JZZP, Photo Shanghai
2015               "Made in Taiwan" New York art book fair with JZZP
2015               "Made in Taiwan"  Voice of Photography Issue 16, Bookmark
2015               "Stockholm Syndrome"  Lianzhou Foto Festival
2015               "2rd Crystal Ruth Bell" Artist residencies, Red Gate gallery, Beijing.
2014               "Expiration" The hand-made book now is collected by the library of SVA in NYC.
2014                Us, Gold Lens Photography Festival, Wuxi, China. Group Show.
2014               "Expiration" Beijing Design Week, Beijing, China. Group Show.
2013                Section, Pingyao International Photography Festival, China. Group Show.
2013                Jiangnan X Appearance, Wuxi, China. Group Show.
2012                Up in the air, Taipei.Solo Exhibiition.