Family Legacy
二十八歲那年離開了台灣,過著嚮往離開「家」的生活,曾覺得不管何時回到這塊土地總歸是自己的故鄉,經由一次又一次的往返台灣和外地且伴隨著年紀的增長,逐漸看到上一代人之間的糾葛; 父親為客家人,家族內總是說著我聽不懂的客家方言,母親的家族是早年撤退來台灣的天津人,自從她過世之後就鮮少和她的親戚來往,只有特定節日才會相聚。
At the age of 28, I left Taiwan to live the life far away from "home", which I once yearned for. I ever felt whenever I went back to the land it would be still my hometown. After travelling between Taiwan and other places time and time again and along with the growth of the age, I gradually saw the entanglement between the previous generation. My father was Hakka, and his family always spoke the Hakka dialect that I didn't understand. My mother's family were Tianjinese who withdrew from the mainland to Taiwan in the early years. We rarely gathered together with her relatives except on the particular holiday since she passed away.
However, it might be impossible for me to escape from the reality that the term "home" gradually grew into "family”. Every time I came back to Taiwan I felt strange. The contradictions of the previous generation continued to influence me. So I photographed and sought for my family things, looking for proof that my family existed, which I called the "Legacy". It was also to look for my own space in the family.
At the age of 28, I left Taiwan to live the life far away from "home", which I once yearned for. I ever felt whenever I went back to the land it would be still my hometown. After travelling between Taiwan and other places time and time again and along with the growth of the age, I gradually saw the entanglement between the previous generation. My father was Hakka, and his family always spoke the Hakka dialect that I didn't understand. My mother's family were Tianjinese who withdrew from the mainland to Taiwan in the early years. We rarely gathered together with her relatives except on the particular holiday since she passed away.
However, it might be impossible for me to escape from the reality that the term "home" gradually grew into "family”. Every time I came back to Taiwan I felt strange. The contradictions of the previous generation continued to influence me. So I photographed and sought for my family things, looking for proof that my family existed, which I called the "Legacy". It was also to look for my own space in the family.